Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First blog...

Welcome to KC's Creations and Home Services blog!

I will share with you all of the information necessary to show you that I am the one you need for all of your special and not-so-special occasions including, but not limited to: weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, homecomings, reunions, and house and pet-sitting.

My goal with this business is to be able to help you with cakes, decorations, invitations, etc for your get-togethers as well as helping you out around the house when you can't be there.  In the updates to come, there will be a list of services available that you can choose from as well as create-your-own help services (if there is something specific you'd like that I don't have listed, just ask!).  I will accommodate any reasonable requests for a nominal fee.  Fees will be negotiated when services are determined and evaluated.

Thank you and I look forward to your business and helping you!